WWelcome to the on-line Diagnostic Test sign-up for the MA Academy of Math and Science.
You first need to choose one of the 3 dates, create an account, enter the student’s name and information..
The Diagnostic Test is a 1 hour Math/Science test, which includes Geometry, Algebra I and II and general problem solving. It does not include any specific science areas. There is also a 1 hour Writing/Humanities test that includes grammar, sentence construction, paraphrasing, and literary analysis. Because the tests cover general high school knowledge, there is no preparation or studying required and no calculators allowed. The Tests are administered at the Academy located at 85 Prescott Street.
This test is for 10th Graders only, who are ready to submit an application.
You will find the system very easy to use and it will take only a few minutes to setup your account.
School Appointments - Instructions
Go to our school appointments web site: https://mams.schoolappointments.com
Register for an account by clicking the "Click here to Register" menu tab and filling in the on-line form. Choose a user id and password for yourself and then click the "Register Now" button.
Add your children into the system by clicking the "Add a Student" button. Click "Insert New" button to add more children.
Click the "date" icon beside each child's name to schedule appointments and then "View Calendars" button.
Click on available time slots to book your appointments and then click the "Book Appointments" button to save your bookings.
Parent login is not permitted at this time.
On-line appointment booking is not permitted at this time.
Registration for new accounts is not permitted at this time.
There are no schedules available at this time.
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